Individual support

Get professional support on all financial issues.
Individual support is the final stage of financial planning: under the guidance of our specialists, you manage a portfolio of shares and receive support on all issues.

The service of individual support allows you to:

  • maintain portfolio structures by risk, investment regions, asset classes, etc.;

  • if necessary, revise the strategy and adjust the content of the portfolio;

  • make investing convenient and transparent.
Absolute individual monitoring, considering all your requests
Work on individual requests
– ready-made portfolio on Russian stock market, based on the principles of the factor investing.
Promising shares of the RF
- ready-made portfolio on the American stock market, based on the principles of the factor investing.
Promising shares of the USA
The principle of this strategy is following current market trends. The model is used as a complimentary one to the main portfolio for safety reasons.
Trend-following model
Moscow, Tsvetnoy boulevard 26 p. 1, Tsvetnoy Business Center
4th floor, 43 office
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ООО “Давр Капитал”

Individual Tax-payer Number: 9703144563
PSRN: 1237700338182
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